Who We Are
The Martin Are Resource Center, MARC for short, is a community supported non-profit 501c3 and is classified as an emergency Food Bank. The main objective of MARC is to provide food for those in need in our communities and Beyond. Providing food is our main function, however it is not the only thing we do, check the Our Services tab to lean more.
The Need is Real
Hunger is not easily recognized, there are few external signs of this devastating and harmful condition. It is not an affliction people talk about openly when it occurs in their family. As Feeding America’s Hidden Hunger video indicates, people who suffer from Hunger and Food Insecurity look like every day ordinary people. Many suffer in silence, alone, and frightened of what the future holds. According to the University of Michigan’s Michigan Poverty & Well-being Map in 2022, the population of Michigan is close to 10 million. Of that 10 million, 12.9% of Michiganders are below the poverty level. The United Way’s ALICE Report shows that 38% or 1.5 million of working Michigan households struggle to afford the basics like food, clothing, housing, childcare, health care and transportation. In the US 10.2% or 13.5 million of the population face Food Insecurity and Michigan represents 11% or 1.5 million of total number. So what is Food Insecurity? Food Insecurity occurs when people constantly worry about whether or not they can feed their family healthy nutritious food needed for an active and healthy life style. This could be the fear of not enough money to buy food or the fear that there is not enough food in the area to supply their needs. Layoffs and company closures have increased the financial burden on families. Two years of Covid have made a bad issue even worse. Food shortages, supply chain issues, and inflation have made it harder to obtain food. The food available tends to be name brands that cost more because the generic items are produced last if at all. Unhealthy food packed with preservatives and high in fat tends to be cheaper than healthy food. Also foods like noodles and bread that are cheap, but are loaded with carbohydrates. So what! It’s still Food isn’t it? Yes it is food, but not all food is created equal. People affected by Food Insecurity tend to have a nutrient lacking diet that can lead to diabetes, forms of heart disease, high blood pressure, and obesity just to name a few. High stress and poor nutrition can lead to mental health issues like cognitive problems, aggression, behavioral problems, depression, and even suicidal thoughts. In children, delayed mental and physical development are also a concern. The resulting health conditions increase the need for additional health care. Additional medical bills mean less money in the budget. When funds are short, priorities have to change. More and more families have to face the dilemma of buying food or paying bills. The video “Brittany” from Feeding America’s “Real Stories of Hunger” is a true to life representation of this dilemma. Click here to view
The Need is Great!
Because of Covid, 60 million people turned to food banks in 2020 alone. At MARC we saw all most a 100% increase in clients. Covid also affected food banks as well. Many closed because of a lack of funding and a dwindling work force as people sheltered in place. In 2021 we saw a slight decline in the number of people using Food banks, however with the currant rate of inflation the need for Food banks has risen once again and this time there are fewer Food banks to handle the influx. In 2020 we distributed 81,289 pounds or 40.6 tons of food to those in need along with 3977 articles of clothing and the need continues to rise. Many, if not all Food banks are struggling for funds as the need for their services have increased, Marc has not been an exception. We are so grateful for our Partners that have enabled us to continue operating in our communities, however we are in need of additional Partners to continue the battle against Hunger and Food Insecurity as they grow in intensity in Michigan. Check out the Becoming a Partner Tab to learn more on how you can help.